Where is vmCUBE ?
990 Biscayne Boulevard, Office 701
Miami, FL - 33132
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
About vmCUBE
vmCUBE is an IT consulting LLC doing IT design and implementation based in United States.
We have been helping large corporations and major IT vendors to design information systems to Virtualization and SDDC for more than 10 years. We focus on three main areas :
Technology (Virtualisation, Automation and Cloud)
Understanding business challenges
What the heck is SDDC ?
An SDDC is a Datacenter in which all the infrastructure is virtualized and delivered "as-a-service."
This enables increased levels of automation and flexibility that will underpin business agility through the increased adoption of cloud services and enable modern IT approaches.
By 2020, however, analysts predict the programmatic capabilities of an SDDC will be considered a requirement for 75 percent of Global 2000 enterprises that seek to implement hybrid cloud models. I&O leaders can't just buy a ready-made SDDC from a vendor. First, they need to understand why they need it for the business. Second, they need to deploy, orchestrate and integrate numerous parts, probably from different vendors.
vmCUBE, LLC has the ability to analyze, orchestrate the deployment work and assist its customers to the new skills and the cultural shift in their IT organization.
vmCUBE, LLC core business is to accompany its clients and to advise them on market solutions that best meet all of their expectations and also provide the interface between operators and service providers and the final customer. Its strength is its whole independence with respect to all market participants.
The SDDC uses a unified process to automate the delivery of resources. Most of the enterprises that have used SDDC solutions identified its benefits in the simplification of data center management, in accordance with changing business demands.
vmCUBE Value Services